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tv   Fox 5 News at 5  FOX  February 13, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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approaching moderate levels of rain. we zoom in out west. this is along the i 81 corridor. winchester you are right on the line. you might see a little bit of snow mixing in within the next half hour to an hour or so. most of this this evening will be west of the mountains and at the higher elevations. big picture this storm looks like this. coming up in our direction. does look like this area of low pressure is strengthening just a little bit. temperatures though, going to be the big problem. i don't think we're going to be down to freezing or anywhere close to it for several more hours here. so we're not worried about this. this is not even a little storm that could. we may have a little accumulation well north and west hft city. we'll talk more about that. first forecast is coming up. >> lots to talk about then. thanks, gary. you can track the storm with the fox 5 weather app. search for the dc weather in the app store. download it to droid, iphone or ipad.
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>> we are learning more about the student who survived a shooting spree. fired a round of shot killing one roommate before killing the gun on himself. >> neil is up and walking a day after being shot by a roommate just off the maryland campus in college park. still shaken by the murderous attack. he's declining interviews but his stepfather is speaking with reporters. >> as police have already explained, charcoal was used to set fires inside and outside a house. a house occupied by five university of maryland students. undergraduate neil told his family he was awakened by a roommate and went out back to investigate the fire. there they were joined by roommate dayvon green. the three went to the front lawn to get some
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water, neil's stepfather picks up the story. >> he felt like he needed to look back and check and he felt a gun coming out of his pocket. he turned to run and that's when he got shot. >> his stepson neil was shot in the upper thigh. he fell to the ground but heard more gunfire. >> he got up and ran as fast as he could. ran to a neighbor's house. thank god she let him in the door and provided sanctuary for him. steven was shot to death on the front line. the shooter went to the backyard and committed suicide. the roommates were not aware dayvon had been treated for a mental condition but described him as a little different. >> they were leery of him for whatever reason. gave them pause for concern but he's allowed to have them. >> police say the guns owned by
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the shooter were apparently legally purchased. maryland legislatures are pondering more restrictions on firearm sales. but the stepfather of the surviving roommate opposes further restrictions. he points out dayvon green had a nap sack that contained a machete. plans to complete his semester but no longer live in the house where those shootings occurred. >> thank you. >> sheriffs deputies off the job tonight on administrative leave. police say he shot and killed an intruder inside his fort washington home. paul wagner is in the news room with more. >> the deputy was returning home around 11:00 last night when he found damage to the front door of his home. he pulled a personal handgun and confronted in the living room by a man in his early 20s. 12 hours after the shooting, prince georges county
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police were on rosemary drive conducting an investigation. a bullet hole could be seen in the front window and blood on the front door. after the shots were fired, the intruder ran from the home before collapsing on the front lawn where he died. >> police department and homicide investigators are continuing to investigate this incident. they prelimby believe -- >> police located a small silver honda with virginia plates that detectives towed from the scene. there is some evidence the intruder may not have been alone. it's unclear if he was armed. >> some investigative leads have led detectives to believe there may have been additional suspects on scene. at this time we're not getting any further details but do believe there were potential for more suspects. >> the homeowner has lived in the neighborhood for decades and nothing but nice things to say about him. >> really good guy. really nice and generous
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. every time we need the grass cut, he'd cut it. really nice guy. >> very unfortunate. you would never think anything would happen like that in this area. >> you haven't had any problems with burglaries? >> not at all. >> there have been some reported burglaries in the area. it's unclear if they may be connected with what happened on rose marie drive. >> at this hour, police have not released the name of the man killed or the name of the deputy. a law enforcement source says the deputy could not find his service weapon when he searched the home after the shooting but that's unclear if it was stolen or just missing inside the house for some reason. >> paul, odd there. you would think if there's no gun, no weapon, there had to have been an accomplice but not that easy. >> nope. they are still saesh searching but some evidence they had an accomplice but not giving us more information. >> okay. paul wagner in the
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news room. thank you. >> still developing tonight, the search for excop turned killer appears to be over. police in southern california believe christopher dorner was holdup in a cabin where officers engaged in a shoot out before that cabin went up in flames. adam has the latest from big bear lake, california california. >> detectives say the charred remains inside the ashes belonged to christopher dorner. the former lapd officer going on a killing spree. >> there's a lot of apprehension today in any celebration. this is not a celebration. it's been a very trying time over the last couple weeks for all of those involved. >> forensic investigators in san bernardino are working on formerly identifying the body. a wallet with dorner's driver's license was recovered from the rubble. information is also surfaced that dorner may have
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been hiding out at a cabin right across from the police command post for days before being surprised by two housekeepers. he tied the women up and stole their car. one was able to get loose and dial 911. fish and game officers spotted him and gave chase. then they lost dorner but found him again in a different stolen truck. that chase ended in a crash and dorner took refuge in a cabin where the shoot out ensued. one san bernardino county deputy was injured. another one killed. deepest sympathy from our department. our hearts and prayers go out to family and friends of those deputies who are injured and the deputy that was killed yesterday. >> meanwhile, riverside police officer believed to have been killed by dorner was laid to rest today. more than 100 patrol cars and motorcycles escorted to the burial site. law enforcement agencies are back to normal. this will be some protection for those listed
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in the manifesto until the remains are positively identified. fox news. >> president obama gave his first state of the union address of his second term last night. the topics range from the war on terror, cyber defense, gun control to the economy and our looming deficit. the speech made some waves. gop leaders are responding to the president's stance on minimum wage and passing gun control. >> when you raise the price of employment, guess what happens? you get less of it. >> i do wish the cheer leading would stop and the prosecutions begin. >> the president is taking his ideas on the road now. he spoke with workers at a manufacturing plant in north carolina today. he'll be in georgia tomorrow and in his home state on friday. >> nothing has frustrated me more than false choices like the one the president laid out
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tonight. the choice isn't just between big government or big business. >> it was the water break seen across the country. florida senator delivered the republican response to president obama's state of the union but he may be remembered for that just a quick water break during rubio's rebutle he wiped away sweat and grabbed water bottle. he's laughing it off. and tweeted a picture of a water bottle saying i needed water, what are you going to do? >> pope benedict xvi made his first public appearance since announcing his resignation on monday. inside a packed saint peter's basillica in rome. the pope will step down february 28th. he does not have the strength to continue. his replacement should be chosen by easter. >> they are being blamed for a d
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more. one group is waging a war campaign to crack down on sugary drinks. >> and we'll show you how a web site is helping people lose weight and win a little cash in the process. >> and being your own boss, not so cheap. one city is helping a hand. residents trying to get businesses off the ground. >> rain is spreading into the area. just on cue for the evening commute. and a little snow too. we'll see that. emphasis on a little bit . first look at your forecast is coming up. stay with us. 
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sugary drinks are being blamed for causing health problems like obesity, diabetes and heart disease. along with leading scientists and other groups called on the fda to step in and determine a safe level of sugar for beverages. michael jacobson is the executive director. thanks for joining us tonight. >> thank you for having me. >> let me start off with your critics to say the food police, talking about you guys shg need to stay out of their kitchens and out of their mouths. why not let people decide what think choose to eat or drink? >> they are not choosing entirely on their own. coca cola spends $2 billion encouraging people to drink sugary drinks. and the scientific evidence is crystal clear that drinking as much soda
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as americans do contributes to obesity, diabetes and heart disease. >> asking the fda to determine what is a safe level of sugar to add. how much sugar of the average soda contain and how much do you think it should contain? >> the average soda contains -- a 12 ounce can of soda contains 10 teaspoons. there are a number of government agencies on new york city's health department, and others that have suggested that a healthier beverage would contain no more than about two or three teaspoons of sugar. consider that a relatively healthy level. >> when you say healthy level, people are wondering what about the taste, won't that change the way a beverage taste? >> the soft drink industry is sponsoring a huge amount of research to try to develop
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better tasting lower calorie drinks. trying to use natural sweeteners and other substances that will provide the taste without the calories. >> have there been any studies on the long-term affects? what's the difference between these sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup. >> there's no doubt that high fructose corn corn syrup causes obesity. sucrolose appears to be safe. we have questions about sul feign potassium. we'd like to see companies move towards the more natural sweeteners. but i think it's going to take something like an fda regulation saying
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limit the sugar in beverages to this much to get the companies to actually do that for the entire product line. we've asked the fda to do two other things. one is to urge companies to lower sugar in breakfast serials, baked goods and all the other sources. and we've urged the fda to mountain education campaign to get us consumers to give up that sugary junk and move towards healthier foods. >> let's hope people are listening. see how this plays out. executive director for the center of science and public interest. thank hz for coming in tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> a fox 5 health alert about women and calcium. turns out too much of a good thing may be bad. in a new study, researchers found women who take more than 1400 milligrams of calcium a day were more than twice as likely to die from heart disease than women getting
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600 to 900 milligrams a day. the study found a link to the two, it didn't prove high calcium intake will cause death by heart disease. >> when it comes to exercise, less may be more. working out has little benefit in older women. women who exercise four times a week, felt more -- >> struggling to drop the weight. why not make a wager on it? friends and family members can join in. the idea is you all get fit and win cash. holly bristo has a closer look tonight. >> sometimes it just takes a little encouragement to reach a fitness goal. others, a bit more. >> daniel said she founds all kinds of excuses to skip the workout.
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>> time, energy, just life gets in the way. this year she set a goal. trying to get healthy and lose 10 pounds. >> thousands of people want the same thing. to motivate themselves they are adding a friendly wager thanks to a web site called diet bet. social weight loss platform that was developed to connect people who all share the common goal of trying to lose weight as well as the financial incentive to lose 4% of their body weight. >> erika organized. allows you to join a group that fits your wager level and time period. everybody pays in a certain amount and whoever loses that 4% within 4 weeks will split a pot. bets range from $5 all the way up to $300. erika's group is wagering $20. the more people who join, the bigger the pot. tony is a personal trainer.
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>> it's a great accountability system. he says he sets up challenges for his clients at the platinum gym. he asked if he'll recommend diet bet. >> when you have something to shoot for and a group of other people shooting for the same goal or heading in the same direction, that gets momentum. >> there's a little bit of trash talking going on already which is fantastic. >> gets people hooked on a healthy cycle. >> a lot of people will keep the credit and run up bet after bet. it's addicting. it's a really fun way to get to know people and encourage people. >> betting on themselves achieving a healthier physique and way of life. >> the gray weather and chilly temperatures came back today. >> they sure did. gary, you are known at least to me for not making a big deal out of things.
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you warned us this could be significant to the point there's some accumulation. >> not in town. don't worry about that . and i even am not sure, i don't think it's a big deal for the metro. surrounding counties. it really is farther up to the north. it's those usual counties, the frederick counties and washington counties, that's probably where we may have a few issues tomorrow morning and along i 81 especially the higher elevations. we start with showing you with the radar. we've got this in winter mosaic mode. you can see where we're getting a little bit of rain and a little bit of snow and change over in places and look at this. mainly, this is north and west of the area. what we have to watch, the area of low pressure is getting closer to us. you can see a little change taking place out along i 81. no winter weather advisories in place this side of the mountains. everything is on the western side of the mountains. we'll watch and see if anything
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changes. 43 now. temperatures are pry mar imarily going to stay above freezing it looks like certainly here in town. rain showers at 7:00, rain showers at 9:00. there will be mixing west and north. by 11:00 we see a little mixing around here. what's critical is the temperature. i don't think the temperature in the district is going to drop below 35. that's the critical number. more on this forecast is coming up. tricky in some places. >> thank you. see you in a few few. >> not a vacation they wanted. that is for sure . passengers stuck on a cruise ship. they say with overflowing toilets and limited access to food. a nightmare. find out when they are expected to get released. >> and stunning video of a teenager stripped in a case ahead and beaten. wait until you hear what set off his attackers. 
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tonight we're learning about the cause of the fire that
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killed a woman in charles county, maryland. the fire broke out about 10:00 last night in the bedroom of geradine keys. started when items came into contact with a ceresine heater. several people inside the home managed to escape. the 65-year-old victim did not make it out alive. carnival cruise lines says it's providing running water, at least some of it and working bathrooms to passengers on a disabled cruise ship in the gulf of mexico. contradicting the claims of some of the passengers on board. the carnival triumph has been without power since sunday after a fire in the engine room. passengers are describing the ordeal back on dry land talking of overflowing toilets, limited access to food and water and dirty and hot conditions. >> she said it was starting to get pretty rough. they were having to use bags and stuff to go to the bathroom. >> first of all, there is running water and there's a good
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number of bathrooms that do work. you are going to be very sensitive to all hygiene procedures. >> tug boats are slowly towing to alabama where it's expected to arrive tomorrow. carnival has canceled voyages through april. >> a list of the most reliable vehicles is out. according to jd power and associates, lexus, porsche and lincoln make the best vehicles. the least reliable were jeep, mitsubishi. >> starting your own business takes a whole lot of cash. how one city is helping to ease that burden. >> many local leaders are trying to convince the fbi to move headquarters. helping one county sweeten the deal. >> ♪ what they are saying is it true ♪
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>> preservation plan. the library of congress embarks on a mission to save the nation's audio history. we'll tell you all about it as the 5 continues. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ woman ] looks like another glorious week in florida. ♪ that...was...awesome. ♪ [ female announcer ] how do you make your family vacation this epic? go to
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we can talk to anyone trying to kick start a business and they will tell you the process is not easy nor cheap. step up its efforts to give people a helping hand. matt akland is here to explain. >> as it stands the district has 8.5% unemployment rate. not terrible but could be a lot better. one way to get more people working here locally is for the city to partner with organizations really trying to boost the number of small businesses. and today, we found a good example of one. >> you may have spotted one of their pink trucks or even better, enjoyed one of their
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delicious cup cakes. curbside cup cakes is so popular, more than 15,000 follow their daily locations in dc on twitter. this is where the magic all takes place. co-owner sam whitfield gave up his career to make cup cakes. as his small business grew he needed more kitchen space in what is sort of a community kitchen. >> now we have room to stretch our wings, room to take bigger orders. newer clients and really grow as a business. >> and whether it's making cup cakes or some other type of other food, finding affordable kitchen space in the district is simply not easy. that's why the city is hoping that more people will turn to places like union kitchen. >> these were your idea obviously right? >> yes. >> mayor gray want had had to bring attention to union kitchen and what he calls a partnership
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with culinary incubators. tried to highlight new ideas that will bring new employment. >> clearly this, the technology, all of those are designed to bring more jobs to the district of columbia. >> curbside cup cakes has expanded to three trucks. and as it uses the union kitchen to bake 1700 cakes a day, just a few feet away, others prepare their own treats. all small business owners hoping to grow. >> this is the chocolate and the flavors. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> business owners do pay for the space and the use of equipment at union kitchen. it's not free, but we're told it is affordable. and that's what's important when you are starting out. >> indeed it is. matt, thank you. >> monitoring metro tonight, the transit agency is trying to convince the fbi to set up shop in prince georges county. the washington post says metro wants
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to use 78 acres at greenbelt station for the bureau's new headquarters. plan to vote on that tomorrow. the fbi and 11,000 employees are housed here at the j edgar hoover building which needs a major renovation. >> heads up, you can expect delays on metro this weekend. the red, orange, blue and green lines will be affected. operate on a saturday schedule. on monday open at 5:00 a.m. and close at midnight. buses will operate on a saturday supplemental schedule. >> it's a new season for the washington nats and soon the ballpark will be filling up fast with fans. that means more money for the city which invested more than $600 million to build that stadium. tonight at 10:00, investigative reporter sherri ly looks at whether the investment is paying off. and she's here with a preview. >> build that stadium on
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taxpayer's dime. but debate over whether it's been a winning investment. corner stone of redevelopment and transformed the neighborhood. but tax revenue from national's park has fallen short of the city's original estimates to finance the stadium. opinions now remains split on whether taxpayers got a good deal. >> always had confidence that bringing baseball back to washington was the right thing to do. building the stadium was the right thing to do. >> having a winning team is not the same as a winning financial bid for the city. >> tonight at 10:00, we'll breakdown the numbers. who are the winners and the losers. >> thank you. >> another royal family scandal. coming up tonight, we're going to tell you why kate middleton says her privacy was invaded yet again. >> from best in show to broadway. what's next for the top dog at the westminster dog show.
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>> why aren't you shopping? what happened to the buyers at the malls last month. they didn't show up. overall, retailers wracked up a gain of 1/10th of 1% in sales. miniscule and bad news for the post holiday sales period. what's going on? taxes and gas. that's what happened. as of january the 1st, everyone paid more in their paycheck because of the increase in social security contributions. and wealthy people they paid more in income tax. as for gas, the price went straight up. 25 cents a gallon higher and $4 gas returned to california. that's why we closed our wallets. not good news for the economy. we will see you tomorrow morning on the fox business network. 
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well, the royals are up in arms again over yet another photo of the duchess of cambridge.
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published those top less photos of kate last year now featuring these photos of a pregnant royal in a bikini. strolling on the beach on the caribbean island. royals argue publishing these photos amount to the breech of privacy. the magazine says the pictures were snapped on a public beach. the baby is due in july. model kate upton is featured on sports illustrated. her body shut down after she posed in that skimpy bikini. she was losing her hearing and even her eyesight. senior editor says upton braved temperatures up to 24 degrees and windchills as low as negative 20. >> come on. she probably made a lot of money. the best in show winner is heading to broadway.
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banana joe won the award yesterday. the five year old pup will make a one night appearance in the broadway show. the mystery of edwin drude. living with his handler in pennsylvania. after his win, going to take things easy. retiring and heading back to the netherlands where he was born and bread. >> i always try to get my dogs to walk and follow along. they never ever will do that. they walk all over. that's why i'm not competing in dog shows. >> you are setting yourself up for disappointment. if your dog will sit when you give him a treat, doing well. >> she is 9 years old. the stars of the beast of the southern wild. >> she was amazing. plus, preserving audio history . the library of congress, embarks on a plan to save some of the greatest recordings of our time. >> and heads up, could be a
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messy morning commute. gary is back to tell us where snow could fall overnight. lucky charms?!
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yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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♪ what they are saying is it true ♪ . >> the income pairable ella fitzgerald, that is one of many recordings wants to preserve. the national recording preservation plan. the list of recordings includes one of the greatest moments of american history. executive can director of the national audio visual conservation center. quite a title. good to have you here. >> thank you. >> this was congressionally mandated. talk about this plan. you've got it right here. visual aid. talk about the plan and how you are moving forward. >> well, congress became aware of the scope of the problems
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affecting the preservation of the recording sound history. in the year 2000 they passed the national preserving plan act to establish a national recording preservation board. and to each year began to select recordings for the national audio registry of recordings, the librarian of congress is specifically tasked to pick those recordings for the registry. >> how do you determine what is significant, what should be part of our history and what shouldn't be? i would imagine depending on who you speak with there might be different opinions. >> that's true. the focus of the library is on recordings that are culturally aesthetically or culturally important. those criteria have served us well. particularly we're looking backward to recordings that date to the last 25 years and the late 19th century. there's been a lot of amnesia has occurred from one generation to the next over the last 100 years about what our
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recording history is and what should be saved. find those recordings and bring them to the public attention. >> i would imagine some recordings capture the spirit of a certain point in time right? >> they do. they are a cultural reference point that go beyond in many ways the reason they were created in the first place. musical entertainment, diversion or dance music or radio broadcast. this is not just about recorded music or entertainment. about the word recordings. radio history and vast amounts have been lost or thrown away or allowed to deteriorate. >> is it interesting how music is so much a part of our lives with regard to our history? you hear a song, you might be reminded of your parents, a particular moment in time, your wedding. >> i think all those recording formats, and not just sound recordings, radio, television and movies really help shape american culture. able to fix a creative work. became widely
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disseminated. people would pick up the latest recordings and see the latest movie and changed people's lives. >> about 32 recommendations; correct? >> yes. broad scale recommendations embracing education, audio engineers. but also getting organization among all the collaborating institutions preserve recordings. also federal copy wright law has to be expanded prior to 1972. >> especially in the online community. you can put it all online. i'm getting the big wrap. good insight into what is our history and helps define our history. pat, good to have you here. >> thank you. >> over to you. >> thank you very much. gary joins us now . we are talking about snow in some areas; right? >> that's right. >> how much? >> oh, you can't see me. they've spun the camera and took it up a little bit. pretty much
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like the last several storms. this one is going to be a dud too. you can see pretty good rain though and i'll tell you what, i don't see this. this is a loss in the tower camera. look real close underneath the banner, snow mixing in there. i don't know if we're seeing it yet coming down to the ground though, one thing it's wet and messy commute. this storm system has brought the rain in. we're in the winter mosaic mode. rain here and just up northern sections of montgomery county near clarks burg and out along the higher ridge tops as well. most of that is snow. right along the i 81 corridor, a little bit of snow to mixture of rain and snow. we're close to 50 degrees today. we were close to 50 degrees yesterday. pretty mild. this morning, temperatures only in the mid 30s or so. roads are warm. everything is warm and looks like most of the temperatures for the next several hours will stay above freezing.
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not worried about any of this. if we get a snow burst here or there late tonight, that may cause a couple problems on the roadways. i suspect they are monitoring the situation and think if they need to treat it they'll get out there. not so worried about anything around the metro. pretty good rain too. some moderate even a couple spots of heavier than moderate rain around restin and towards the river there and up along the beltway and back out into parts of fairfax and louden county. everybody's wet though of course with this evening commute. rain and snow and we're talking very little in the way of accumulation. i'll show you that graphic coming up in just a bit. 43 now here. gaithersburg is 36. typically a cool spot. dulles is 39. do expect getting accumulation late this evening and overnight tonight. winchester 34. hagerstown 34 as well . not a lot of cold air to the north.
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we're going to be limited getting cold air into this storm system. one of the reasons why we're going to get little in the way of accumulation for us. and again, here in town not expecting any accumulation. rain showers with mix at 7:00. rain showers with mix at 9:00. temperature falling down into the upper 30s and more mixing of rain and snow by 10 or 11:00 here in the city tonight, already happening out in the suburbs. that will be on going through the evening hours. as this area of low pressure is getting closer, it's strengthening just a little bit. all indications are it begins to strengthen more tonight off shore. it will be too far to the east of us by the time it really begins to strengthen to get into anything in the way of heavier snow. this is 10:00 on future cast. a little dry slot perhaps here in town, what's more important than that is in town we would be right on that line of mixing. not a lot left over at 10:00.
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snow farther to the north and to the northwest. and again, the higher elevations back out to the west. that's where we'll see maybe 2 to 3 inches of snow up there. not like that for us here. and this gets out of here as early as tomorrow morning. i do want to show you the forecast for the snow fall. most will be farther north. this could be parts of frederick county, washington county, carol county up to 2 inches. real wet and sloppy. probably not a big problem on the roads. light snow mix all the way down to the city. however, not expecting much in the way of accumulation. overnight tonight only down to 35 degrees. all out of here by tomorrow morning. a few clouds, sunny through the day tomorrow. and i'm calling the shot i don't know if you'll agree with this. i'm calling tomorrow comfortably cool. how's that? >> sure. people can snuggle with their sweethearts. >> it's going to be a nice valentine's day but not quite cold enough for a cuddle alert which we like to issue but it is
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valentine's day so you don't need an excuse to cuddle. >> just turn off the heat. >> or take a long walk out there tomorrow evening. >> thank you, gary. now to the talk of the town on tmz. kim kardashian and kanye west at the center. what in the world is going on? >> this is such an interesting story. so kanye and kim come from rio to jfk. then they have a lay over and going to la. the greeter from american airlines takes them to the plane headed for la but bypasses security. they get in the plane and suddenly tsa comes on and says huh-uh. they just followed this person. and tsa said look off the plane, you got to go do this again. we got to do it right. this was a lapse of security. so here's the question , if you
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were american airlines, do you tell kim and kanye they have to take the next flight or do you delay the flight for 200 people for an hour so they can get on the plane? >> it wasn't their fault it was the tsa person's fault. i don't know. it's kind of a touchy subject. we'll get back to you tomorrow on that one. >> i'll take a stand. i mean, it's not their fault. but you don't hold 200 people up for this. you let them go and give them 20,000 advantage miles and put them on the next flight. but you shouldn't hold 200 people up. and they did. american airlines made them all wait for 50 minutes while kim and kanye went back through security. not their fault but i'd be ticked off if i were on that plane sitting there under those circumstances. >> you and me both. i agree with you 10 0%. see you guys on tmz at 6:30.
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9 year old quvenzhane wallis stopped by fox 5 this morning. she's up for best actress for her performance in the beast of the southern wild. she was 6 years old when the movie was filmed. she had to put her foot down at least once. >> whenever i had to touch the pig that actually wanted me to put my face up on that and i said no. >> no. some things you said no. >> that just didn't work. >> okay. >> she's adorable. quvenzhane wallis is the youngest best actress nominee ever. beast of the southern wild also earned oscar nominations for best picture, best director and best adapted screen play. >> i thought she was wonderful. good luck to her . let's head to brian for a look at what's next on the news edge at 6:00. >> it's the buzzword on capitol hill. minimum wage, the president's plan to increase play r pay. leaving business
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leaders uneasy. then a local teen prod de. what he had to say about the special honor and the president's address. >> ♪ . >> and turning math into raps. a local teacher engage s his students with lyrics to help remember those math formulas. that story and much more on the news edge at 6:00. hang tight.
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the mayor of one of the toughest cities in new jersey calls this video behind me shocking and a blow to the conscious of the community. we want to warn you this video is quite hard to watch. let's take a closer look. shows an unidentified teenager forced to strip naked on a street and whipped with his belt. all because his father owed his
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attackers $20. the thug holding the camera laughs the entire time. three people have been charged in the attack. >> larry bird was arrested and accused of trying to run over his ex girlfriend with a car. conor is charged within tim deceleration with a deadly weapon, battery and possession of marijuana. police arrested the younger bird sunday morning after his ex girlfriend claimed he drove his car at her during an argument. thanks for joining us at 5:00. >> the news edge at 6:00 starts right now. >> this is fox 5 news edge at 6:00. sglfl the day after the first state of the union speech of his second term, president obama getting to work. he visited a canadian auto parts supplier. the company moved into the building after a volvo plant shut down. >> i want to partner with local leaders to help you attract new investments. things can start turning around. and i'm calling on


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